Welcome, World!
Sat, Jul 11
It's our 17th Family Spiritist Retreat, can you believe? Let's celebrate, let's remember the past events, let's cheer each other. It's time for the biggest virtual hug, let's see our old friends and make new ones, let's connect with Jesus!

Time & Location
Jul 11, 2020, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
About the event
Welcome, World!
This is the 17th Family Spiritist Retreat, an international on-line experience!
Our theme this year is "We are one"! Even though we are individual, immortal, Spirits; we all make up one World, one Humanity, and one Family!
We can't wait to see old friends again and to make new ones. There are plenty of memories to share, and even more new ones to create.
We will open the event with a prayer, then say what to expect during the weekend, and finally we will catch up with the latest Spiritist Good News round the Globe.
Age: free for evertone.
Duration: 45-60 minutes.
Language: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.